"Dark Resolutions" is a slow-burn romance fan fiction set in the world of "Jujutsu Kaisen." The story follows Miyako Gojo, the twin sister of Gojo Satoru, and her unexpected encounters with Geto Suguru, her brother's former best friend turned rogue sorcerer. After a betrayal that shook Tokyo Jujutsu High, Suguru now leads a group of sorcerers who seek to reshape the world by eliminating non-sorcerers.
As Miyako navigates her duties as a jujutsu sorcerer and her complex relationship with her brother, she is forced to confront her past with Suguru and the memories of their shared friendship. Despite the ideological divide between them, a spark of their old connection begins to re-emerge, challenging Miyako's beliefs and loyalties.
In a story that balances intense action with emotional depth, Miyako must decide where her true loyalties lie. Will she choose to stand with her brother and protect the world from Suguru's dangerous vision, or will she follow her heart, even if it means facing the one she once called a friend? With a backdrop of rising threats and shifting alliances, "Dark Resolutions" explores the complexities of love, friendship, and the blurred lines between right and wrong.