As humanity faces a deadly crisis from a Al call Skynet, as the war started on August 29, 1997, and Skynet became self-aware. As the nukes has been launches from Skynet and wipe out three billion died during the nuke been drop, but more will died when Skynet started making machines call Terminator's many of them to hunt down and kill all surviving humans, when Skynet Harvesters to captured surviving humans from different states of America, sometimes Canada and Mexico for slave labor to mined materials to build more Terminators, but some were selected out of the surviving humans to experiments and research, when they found that they have captured John Connor's aunt name, Y/n Connor Roa. And Skynet order all Terminators to make her into a machine with horribly and terrifying surgeries, til humanity faces another threat, the Saint Helios Clan, the most powerful and dangerous clans in galaxies, realms, universes and dimensions. But they send their own robots to the planet, as Y/n sent on a mission to find John Connor, but when Skynet found a new planet, call Remnant, and the human resistance knew that they would take over Remnant, it's only the matter of time before both worlds will fall into the hands of the machines.
-I do not support any Nazi ideals or any of its goals-
-Warning this contains: Gore, Blood, War, Violence, Violent, Dark and light humor, Dark and light jokes, Death, Nudity, Lemon, Strong Language, alcohol, drugs, racism, discrimination, cannibalism-