I do poetry as a gifted talent from Allah , also I do poetry to express my deep innermost emotions .
After I wrote my first poetry work
" STAINS OF LOVE ", at my Wattpad account . Months passed without a regular visit on my account, the day when I visited my Wattpad account I was shocked . There appeared a certain girl who appreciated my poetry, she wished me to be her boyfriend because my poems kills and gives her salvation .
I sent her my contact , and we had a conservation via telegram where we got to exchange pictures.
Masha'Allah the girl is very beautiful , she has all the qualities I deserve.
We have interests in each other , in fact my heart's voidness, wants someone to occupy it with humour.
May Allah help us reconcile , because all gracings comes from him .
TN TA, una estudiante universitaria de medicina que va por el quinto año, descubrió que se podían viajar a diferentes dimensiones con un método, pero al hacerlo, ya no puede volver más a su mundo...