I am falling,
Whether I fall,
Up, or down,
I am incapable of telling.
Imagine waking up in a world, stripped of all good. A place where you are incapable of seeing true life; true people? Where the only life around you, are the dead bodies of others? Where the only thing left of your old world, is the bite of the desert, and the sun hot enough to boil you alive?
For "C", this is her reality.
After awakening to a ruined world, with barely a scrap of her old life, she is left lost. Only her beaten body, a stab to her abdomen, and swerving memories and emotions remain. She owns not a speck of anything; not even a name. Death seems to be her only escape out, so she may as well accept it.
However, after she is found and rescued by one of the few, decent survivors, life suddenly appears to be the right decision. She juggles with the struggle to figure out her past life, both who she was, and what had happened to her, all the while trying to stay alive from threats coming to her at all sides, and feelings for someone she would like to push aside.
More dangers lurk, though.
Betrayal comes from everyone, even those she will least expect. After all, the new life in their ruined world requires to be there for ones' self, and no one else. If "C" cannot figure this out, she might as well succumb to the fate destined for her.
• Written by a real life bestie!!
• Takes place a few days after the end of the sidestory, "Cursed World" and before "Daffodils and Hyacinths", a part of the "Forgotten Truths" series. Although you do not have to read any of these to understand this story.
• Contains low themes of gore
⁃ New chapters will come out every (*time*)
"You were burning with fever and I had the silliest idea.
You were shivering, face all red, leaning closer and closer against me.. and in the heat of the moment, I did what I shouldn't have
I kissed you, I loved you again." He whispered, and all she could do was look in his eyes, search them for the truth. For she knew, she had loved him too.
Ryan is haughty, at the almost end of his teenage. He had been a so called perfection throughout his school, and thus it was not strange for many girls to have a thing or two for him. One of them was Jessica, and mind you, he has never been interested.
Jessica is 18. A freshmen in university. A complex brain with thoughts way deeper than what kids at her age are expected to have. She has quite a boring life- infested with diseases called #beingintrovert, #sociallyanxiety, and #ilovemycomfortZone.
Liam hardly has a free hour at hand with his full packed schedule. But when he does get some time, he can be found flipping through the pages of psychological books in the library. It was at such a place when he gets acquainted with Jessica.
Read this story to know how sweet romance mingles in their hearts, friendship blossoms and life gets some more meaning.