RED SUMMER TEARS revolves around a high school student named Momo Alcaran with a high artistic ability, seeing colours of tears and feeling the emotions behind it. She lives with her mother, father, and fellow high school student Isaac Verde who moved into her house after his parents died. His father had been a close friend of the family, so it was natural for Isaac to come stay with the Alcaran family; one year has passed since he came to live in their home. Momo has known Isaac for years, but before he always smile, though now he acts coldly when at home and he cannot bring up the nerve to talk with her either. When he is at school, Isaac is popular, always smiles, and is talented in sports, but Momo knows he must be hiding things inside him.
At school, she meets a strange guy named Noel Isabel who suddenly becomes interested in her. After a bit of bad luck, she reconciles with Noel but then finds out he "gave his tears away". Momo also likes to spend time with his childhood friends Casey Rosimante and Ai Bautista at the bread shop Ai's family owns, Momo juggles all of these problems on a day-to-day basis as she learns about love and the sadness of those around her.
Language: English
Status: On-going
Written by: DOTB
Still aching from her internet ex-boyfriend's scam, Tamitha finds herself in deep trouble when she meets Roosevelt Sanvictores, the man in the photos her ex pretended to be. She knows that he's off-limits, but when circumstances keep bringing them together, maybe fate's got other plans.
After getting drunk from a stupid mistake, Swan Tamitha Dominica wakes up in a room that's not hers, stark naked. As she tries to move forward from the humiliating one-night stand, she comes face-to-face with the man whose photo her internet boyfriend used to scam her. The man is Roosevelt Sanvictores, a handsome billionaire and it's not difficult to like him--only if he's not off limits. Determined not to fall for him, Tamitha puts up her walls. But when her heart screams to tear her walls down and she discovers the past she shared with Roosevelt, will she finally listen to her heart?
Disclaimer: This story is written in Taglish.