In a world known as forma raged a world war, the Solstice consisting of the Antares Imperium and the Ursan Federation launched surprise attacks on the Compact, comprised of the Hydrus Commonwealth and the Republic of Orion.
In 1952 2 carriers went on the mission to destroy each other
the AIS Scorpio and the ORS Gliese
I do not own Azur Lane. All rights belong to Manjuu, Yongshi, and Yostar
I do not own Dead Ahead. All rights go to ClassicMasterNoob on Roblox, and go check out the game. It's really fun. (it's getting a development revive!)
The 3 boys and The twins meet
Nova and her twin Noah finally get everything they've wanted after living 16 years of torture with their mother.
The 3 boys become the most important people in the twins lives and would do anything for Nova and Noah.
Noah and Nova find love, family, and happiness all in one.
Happiness isn't apart of their story though.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Will those 3 boys save the twins?
Will their fathers return be a blessing or will it ruin their lives?
"We Made It"
Started: 10/01/22
Finished: 02/13/23