In the mystical land of Azreign, there exists a delicate balance between five powerful kingdoms: Humans, vampires werewolves, wizards, and demons. Each kingdom is safeguarded by a legendary warrior known as a guardian, tasked with maintaining peace and defending against external threats. However, during the 71st cycle of the guardians' rebirth, a shocking decision is made by the rulers of Azreign to eliminate the guardians and erase their bloodlines from existence.
Amidst this treacherous betrayal, one infant guardian miraculously escapes the massacre, hidden away in the dark realm of demons. Raised without knowledge of his true identity, Draven Lancia grows up unaware of his destiny as the last remaining guardian. But when an ancient enemy resurfaces and threatens the land of Azreign with destruction, Draven must confront his past and embrace his true calling.
As Draven grapples with his own inner turmoil and vendetta against those who sought to extinguish his kind, a chance encounter with Francesca Riordan, the daughter of a key player in the guardians' downfall, offers him a path toward redemption and forgiveness. In a tale of love, loss, and self-discovery, Draven must choose between seeking retribution or becoming the hero he was always meant to be, standing as the final hope for Azreign's survival.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.