The Theerapanyakun family famously had a curse; their first loves always end in a tragedy, culminating in the death of their beloveds.
Kim didn't believe it to be a curse. At a very young age, he had recognized it for what it was: a cycle of generational trauma that Theerapanyakun fathers took pride in giving their children, who then passed it on. Knowing the reality, Kim managed to avoid it. For years, Kim thought he had succeeded in deceiving his father, just to be told otherwise.
"Remember about the Theerapanyakun family's curse?" His father reminded with a triumphant smile curving his lips when he saw his son's face paling.
When their eyes locked, his grin sent chills down Kim's spine. His father's eyes were just shallow holes of nothingness that seemed to absorb him into a void of dread, forcing him to react out of fright and desperation. And very stupidly he reacted...
* * *
Porchay knew Kim had various sides of him that he kept hidden. The man himself had warned him of their existence. As smitten as he had been by Kim at that time, Chay had thought he would be content with any of those sides. Be it charming and brilliant Wik - kindhearted and gentle Kim, or P'Kim whose smiles were soft and tender gaze. Only later, Porchay found out the real Kim who was callous, distant, and aloof: Khimhant, the youngest son of the Theerapanyakun family.
But on that stormy night, the Kim that came to his doorstep wasn't anything Porchay knew him as. That Kim, with rain dripping down his messy hair, in a wet black hoodie that was too big on him, and a frown fixed on his forehead, was someone else. His eyes were giving away his secrets, but in a foreign language, still incomprehensible to Porchay.
Later, Porchay finds out that Kim has gone missing after he came to meet him. The mysterious disappearance forces everyone to join their hands in tracking Kim down. Finding his secrets and those of the Theerapanyakun family along the way wasn't part of the plans.
"I know you hate me as I am not Hoseok hyung."
"I don't hate you. I just hate the fact you are not Hoseok."
Yoongi was CEO who fallen In love with Hoseok who will do anything to catch up on his dream. They were arranging for their marriage. The only thing Yoongi didn't know about Hoseok was about his (Hoseok) stepbrother, Jimin whom he had accidentally hit with the car. Hoseok also didn't know a small problem he had to face for marrying his 'love'. The problem was he couldn't work in the music or entertainment industry under companies because he would lose freedom and wouldn't be allowed to be with Yoongi. Yoongi's parents hated being like that and it was like a tradition of their family and all members had to follow. In this way, his dream will be gone so he ran away from the wedding.
*I love every member. I just made up the characteristics of each member and it's pure fiction. I just wrote the storyline and used their names. Other credits are to the real owners.