In a mysterious world, where mysterious beings lived. Legends runs in a blood of Epics which no one believes in it... This story is about how the fragment of your imagination will come out into reality..How your fantasies came and live.. In a world where full of mysteries.. In a world where full of questions.. And In a world of Beginning and End. Once upon a time, there is a young girl named Janelle. A ordinary girl full of imaginations.A simple girl full of fantasy.. As she woke up in a new undiscovered world. A world that we thought that hasn't exist.. ..And a world that should never revealed.. As she met the extraordinary creatures,the Inborn Perfection Beast.. In a one true called,Pivarem University.. Wait and See how this Fairytale will end..In a tragic and supernatural Ending.. Should it be a Happy Ending?.. Or a One Bloody Ending?.. 'God has his reasons why he came up with this path of mine...' ..That's what I always think,to refresh myself..Now tell me.. WHO I AM?
6 parts