Felix is an ordinary 24-year-old omega who's just finished university with a doctor's degree and lives in his small but comfortable flat alone with his daughter Eunae. However, his past is... not so....ordinary...
There was a specific day in eleventh grade, which devastated his entire life. A particular someone did, who claimed to be his friend. He found it hard to recover after that, and until this day, he hasn't fully done so.
Other than that, Felix has lived his childhood happily, with his three best friends. They ended up buying apartments in the same building after graduating from high school. The four have always been exceptionally close and are like brothers to each other.
What neither of the three knew, however, was the fact that Felix has had a rather....strange encounter with that exact person, whom he has had a hard time with ever since a particular day in eleventh grade. But little did he know that a certain dark-haired male will be the light in his crisis, despite the dark aura surrounding him.
⚠️This book will contain:
○ Smut
○ Sexual assault
○ Strong language
○ Blood and fights
○ Omegaverse
So, if you're not comfortable reading any of the topics mentioned above, you can either not read this book, or skip those parts(they'll be marked with this sign ⚠️)
Hello guys, this is the first book l'll have ever written! It's such a pleasure for me to do so. Furthermore, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave comments or dm me if you have any ideas about the plot, because I do have some, but I'm sure that with your help, we'll be able to make this book a true miracle! Long chapters ahead so prepare yourselves!