In a world besieged by the sudden emergence of monstrous entities known as the 'Masked Ones,' humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation. These grotesque abominations, relentless in their pursuit of destruction, leave chaos and despair in their wake, targeting any and every human in their path. As the world reels from this unprecedented threat, one young girl finds herself thrust into a different kind of turmoil.
Oozomi Kiara, a commoner with no ties to nobility, must navigate the treacherous halls of a prestigious royal school. Struggling to fit in among the privileged elite, she suffers in a world of opulence and entitlement. But as she strives to survive the cutthroat social dynamics of her new environment, Kiara soon discovers that the challenges she faces within the school walls pale in comparison to the dangers lurking beyond.
Another Sacrificial Bride (A Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)
54 parts Complete
54 parts
What if another girl came to live with the Sakamaki? A girl who lived in the exact same church as Yui, but has an attitude the exact opposite of her? Someone with a dark past who has a put on a mask to hide it. Not so innocent now, is she?
Fuzen Takashi is not your average victim. Will the wall crumbled to dust and the mask lifted off or will she live? How will she survive living with six sadistic royal vampire brothers and four rival Half-Bloods at school?