Story Line -
Danielle and Fantasia are best friends but act more like sisters. They grew up together since little babies in their mothers wombs.
Since the age of 16, their dating life has been very difficult. Even with them being adults, their relationships with former partners have been very difficult.
After their last relationship ended 1 year ago, they allow one of their coworker Kelly to finally set them up on a blind date with a friend of theirs.
Will the blind date go well?
Will it be a Chaos of Love and War?
Stay tuned to find out...
Our story is about a betrayed hero that risked everything for his friends and family. But they betrayed him locked him away. But only a select few who knew he was innocent. But is time in prison change him. And he would gain a new power. But once he was proven innocent he would decide to give up being a hero and living his life in peace. But he would have a run in with an idol and become her new body guard.