When I ended up on Tamriel, I didn't know what to think.
I certainly didn't believe that I would end up being the Dragonborn. It seemed too cliche.
...Or that a White Rabbit would follow me on my journey.
Markarth is the ancient Dwemer City that still stands in the Reach. It's dark secrets of the Forsworn and dark Daedric Cults lay between it's walls away from the rest of Skyrim. Taniiaae has no desire to leave the Hold of Whiterun as her family grows larger, and makes a role for herself in the Jarl's Court. But when she is required to meet Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius for a conclave to help stop the Civil War, Taniiaae, her husband Sinding, and their family find themselves in the city of Markarth and are thrown into the conflicts and evil politics there.