Ever wish to piss off a member of one direction? Maybe because your little sister fangirls about them? Or maybe because Harry stole your virginity? Well, I took the time to create this '30 Ways To Piss Off Each Member Of One Direction' story for YOU!! Please be sure to comment/vote, if you have any more ways on how to piss them off comment or inbox me them and I will put them in the correct member's chapter! These are pretty much foolproof, and by foolproof, I mean I'm a directioner and I know what the guys like and don't like (some people call me a stalker, while I like to call it someone who does intense research of an individual) (**NOTE FOR THE HATERS: Look, I am not going to get mad at you for having an oppinion. But I would just like to ask you why? Why spend so much time hating on someone? Just move on with your life. Oh.... And to those Beliebers out there..... All directioners were once beliebers. #directionerslovebeliebers) Thank-You and enjoy!! Twitter: @SpeakMyMind19 Kik: Ellie_the_unicornAll Rights Reserved