Dive into the enchanting world of Harry Potter, where a new hero emerges alongside the legendary Harry Potter. Meet Jayson Nova Black, the son of Sirius Black and Emma Rosier, whose unique blend of humility, intellect, and a mischievous streak makes him an known figure thru the corridors of Hogwarts
Born into two prominent wizarding families with a tumultuous history, Jayson embarks on his Hogwarts journey with a determination that rivals even the greatest wizards.
Follow Jayson as he navigates the challenges of Hogwarts, from excelling in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch to facing the formidable Severus Snape in Potions class. With friends like Fred and George Weasley, his adventures are filled with clever pranks and daring escapades.
All Right's to J.K. Rowling.
Emmeline Jamie Black, daughter of infamous mass murderer Sirius Black attends Hogwarts, she is one of the bravest witches the wizarding world has ever seen. Yes she does stupid things and gets in trouble alot but she is a proud Slytherin pure blood. With a brain that could outdo even Hermione Granger's, she is smart, mischievous collected and very popular along with her bestfriends Fred, George and Lee.
Hogwarts had new marauders.
And Sirius Black's child was their ringleader.
She was taken into the Malfoy family when her father went to Azkaban and she lived a happy and mostly carefree life until fifth year rolled around and her father escapeed Azkaban.
{Fred Weasley × OC}
All characters belong to J.K Rowling except for Emmeline Black, Celeste Greengrass and Valentina Fox.