This story revolves around a girl named Sophie Bernardo. A 22 year old 3rd year Psychology student who's trying to navigate her life at 22. This story contains a spice of life, the reality of a student achiever whose currently facing a slump, the struggles of a scholar student, the struggles of self-doubt and doubting if the path you're taking is the right one for you. And this story also revolves around the importance of faith, friendship, and unconditional love for someone who is scared to take the risk, for someone who is a hopeless romantic but fears love and hardly believes in love because of what she went through with her dad and what she once experienced before by someone whom she trusted.All Rights Reserved
This story revolves around a girl named Sophie Bernardo. A 22 year old 3rd year Psychology student who's trying to navigate her life at 22. This story contains a spice of life, the reality of a student achiever whose currently facing a slump, the struggles of a scholar student, the struggles of self-doubt and doubting if the path you're taking is the right one for you. And this story also revolves around the importance of faith, friendship, and unconditional love for someone who is scared to take the risk, for someone who is a hopeless romantic but fears love and hardly believes in love because of what she went through with her dad and what she once experienced before by someone whom she trusted.