**SCRAPPED; will be rewritten/rebooted*** What if...Sarv never ran a church and instead lives in a mansion with her family? What if...Sarv was the DAUGHTER of the devil rather than THE devil herself? What if...Sarv and Ruv got married? What if...Rsch, Krus, Selever, and Rasazy got into the canon world? What if...Sarv and Ruv had an additional child? What if...Sarv pulled some strings and managed to get Ruv's criminal record clear? What if...Rsch and Krus were resurrected from the dead and were both trans? What if...the interesting, kinda (though "kinda" is a bit of an understatement) effed up, and occasionally homoerotic pile of lore that is Greek mythology and the diverse, rhythmic world of FNF (specifically the MFM and PIT mods) crossed over? What if...all of these ideas and concepts ended up mushing into one AU? Here's your answer. **A collab with a friend of mine. Czarina and Aleksandr belong to her***