Seven years have passed since the bombs fell, and the world as we know it hasn't completely vanished, but neither is it the same.
While the radioactive wasteland harbors raiders, mutants, and irradiated zombies. Ashton, the last bastion of American civilization stands unyielding, thanks to its weary police department.
However, from the south, Marco Antonio Reyes, a former drug lord, marches with his hordes, aiming to become the new emperor of this new world. From the north, the nuclear winter drives the inhabitants of Pittsburg into a massive exodus towards more hospitable lands.
The wars of the past are history, and regardless of race, gender, or values, in this new world, anyone can wear the crown if they are willing to fight for it.
Conceived in Liberty. That was the idea. An Idea that saw the defeat of the British Empire in two wars. The idea of liberty. Government for the people, of the people and by the people. An idea that carried the most powerful nation in the world through two world wars. A nation that would be brought to her knees 130 years later in nuclear bombardment. In 2106, just 29 years after the world ended in nuclear fire, an unknown vault deep in southern Texas filled with thousands of veterans of the United States military, scientists, engineers, who were kept in cryogenic stasis, opened. Veterans and their families poured out of the vault wondering what they would find. They found their world destroyed, utterly. (AN: This story was inspired by Fallout: the Dominion. As such it will be an entirely original storyline. The difference between this story and that is it will cover the events of Fallout 3 and New Vegas a little bit. If you haven't read Fallout: the Dominion, I encourage you to do so. It is an amazing story.)