Powerful business executives by day, cutthroat kingpins by night, Kim Jisoo and the Jeon siblings have been rivals since they inherited their parents' respective companies. When Roseanne Park, fostered by the Jeons, has a chance encounter with Jisoo, she's sent to work for her and spy on her. Kim Jisoo is no fool. And Roseanne shouldn't be falling in love with the enemy. ----- A Chaesoo Adaptation Note: I do not own this story. This fan fiction is an adaptation. All credits go to the original author of the story. Note: Since this is an adaptation of a fan fiction from the show The 100, the language Trigedasleng, which was created by the creators of the show, will be present in this story. I also want to give credit the @cosmicjennies whose work I adapted by changing the character names.