Premature ejaculation is usually treated with behavioral approaches, psychotherapy, and occasionally medication. Here are a few typical methods:
Behavioral Strategies:
The Start-Stop Technique: This entails ceasing sexual stimulation just prior to ejaculation, allowing the feeling to pass before continuing, and then starting up again. As needed, repeat.
The Squeeze Technique is akin to the Start-Stop technique, except that the partner presses at the base of the penis to avert ejaculation and lower excitement.
Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor: Increasing pelvic floor strength can aid in ejaculatory control.
Counseling or Therapy:
Sex Therapy: Consulting with a sex therapist can assist in addressing relationship concerns, performance anxiety, or underlying psychological issues that may be causing early ejaculation.
Couples therapy: Engaging your spouse in treatment can enhance closeness and communication, which may reduce performance pressure and enhance sexual function.
Before beginning any treatment for premature ejaculation, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional to ascertain the underlying reason and the best course of action for your particular circumstances. Incorporating your spouse within the therapy process may also increase closeness in the relationship and increase its efficacy. Consult Dr Vinod Raina, if you have any sexual problem.