"Whispers of the Damned: A Journey into Madness" is a chilling tale that delves into the darkest depths of the human psyche. Set in the quiet suburb of Willowbrook, this gripping horror story follows young Tommy as he moves into an old Victorian house with his family, only to uncover sinister secrets that lurk within its walls. As Tommy's sanity unravels, he becomes ensnared in a web of madness and despair, haunted by visions of unspeakable horror and driven to the brink of insanity. With each turn of the page, readers will be drawn deeper into the shadowy depths of Tommy's descent, where the line between reality and nightmare blurs, and the true nature of the darkness that dwells within us all is revealed.
Olivia pope and her best friend Elizabeth also known as Liz since childhood works as a secret cover-up agency for the national government and often for the president directly.
Though I love Olitz I don't see Fitz x reader and why not.