"Mutual Understanding" is a poignant narrative that delves into the complexities of friendship and cultural diversity. The story centers around Anastasia, a reserved librarian who values solitude and the quiet companionship of anime, mangas, books and comics, and Rhyler, a spirited musician, volleyball and basketball player who has recently moved to the city, bringing with him the vibrant rhythms, traditions, classical game play on his homeland. Initially, their interactions are marked by awkwardness and a lack of common ground. Anstasia finds Rhyler's exuberance overwhelming, while Rhyler perceives Anastasia's reticence as aloofness. However, as circumstances bring them together repeatedly-whether through community events or shared acquaintances-they begin to see beyond their differences.
Anastasia starts to appreciate the richness of Rhyler's music and game play while Rhyler discovers the depth of wisdom and comfort in Anastasia's world of literature and creativeness. Their conversations, initially stilted and cautious, grow warmer and more open as they share their experiences, dreams, and struggles. This evolving dialogue fosters a deep mutual respect and understanding, allowing them to bridge the cultural divide that once seemed insurmountable. Through their journey, "Mutual Understanding" beautifully illustrates how empathy, open-mindedness, and the willingness to see the world through another's eyes can transform strangers into friends, enriching both their lives and their communities.
LANGUAGE: TAGLISH (Tagalog and English)
Book-1 of Costello series.
Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very annoyingly kind and sometimes just.. annoying. She has lived in Texas as long as she can remember with her mother with no knowledge of her rest of her family.
Suddenly her life takes a huge turn. Loved ones are lost and sudden revelations are made. She is not very good at dealing with changes.
Well let's just say she is in for a huge surprise when she finds out about her father and the fact that she has six brothers.
Yeah that's gonna be fun :)
Yup this is another older brother/ mafia family story. Enjoy!
Best rankings:
#1 in siblings
#1 in Big brothers
#1 in American mafia
#1 in Costello
#1 in cousin
#1 in lost Princess
#2 in mafia brothers
#2 in lost daughter
#3 in badass
#3 in family secrets
#4 in older brother
#5 in sarcasm
#4 in sister
#4 in reunited