In the year 1342, Marki, a sixteen year old Elf girl, lives her life in the comfort of her peaceful village. At the age of nine, an army of Orcs attacked and demolished her "Haven in the Trees" killing both of her parents in the midst of battle. Seven years later, the brother she presumed is dead appears out of seemingly nowhere with frightening information for her about their family.
Xavier is alone. After his parents died, he left to the Castle of Mabel, hoping to find help for his destroyed home, but to no avail. His family, friends, and sister are dead. Or so he thought. Little does he know, young Marki survived the war.
Jake is just a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. He is a boy from an enormous Assassin's Borough which had been destroyed when he was fourteen. Nearly four years prior, during the downfall of his old home, he witnessed a man brutally murdered in front of him. Before he died, though, he transmitted a power to Jake. One that forever changed him. His parents left to who-knows-where, and he was left to fend for himself with his new curse. Then, he met Xavier.
These three will face times of challenges, pain, terror, and drama in their journey toward once-again peaceful lives. For one, a life finally kind to him, as he had never known one.
Join them in "Falling While Flying", a story of unlikely people in an unlikely time.
When 17 year old Marie goes on a camping trip with her dad and brother, she doesn't expect to be running away from a monster who murdered her dad and seriously injured her brother right in front of her. Nor being rescued by the man from her dreams who shouldn't be real.
When 20 year old Jacob goes to his fathers old hunting cabin he doesn't expect to rescue his mate from the werewolf who killed his father and now is crazy. He also doesn't expect to find her newly turned werewolf brother still alive from a rogue attack.
What will happen?
Will they find true love?
Will Marie's brother be able to survive in the pack or will everything go wrong?
And then follow the journey of their children, who face more.