17 year old Muichiro Tokito, became a babysitter to the Shinazugawa's. Muichiro's parents have been friends with the Shinazugawa's parents ever since they were children, so they grew up together. Since Muichiro was getting older he would've need a job to earn more money for himself.
Muichiro's parents were rich, they had jobs, and they had paid no attention to Muichiro. If you are wondering where Yuichiro went, he died when Muichiro was 16, from pneumonia.
The only way he could earn money, was to be a babysitter, for the Shinazugawa's. Their parents were rich and moved away, so they needed someone to watch over them, so they wouldn't cause trouble around the house.
Started-May 11
Ended-June 26
Just found out this is first on the Genmui ranking. Thank you so much guys, this means a lot to me.
Genya - 22/Bisexual
Muichiro - 20/Homosexual
Two rivals in the entertainment industry are appalled when approached with an up and coming film assignment. In an attempt to motivate the two to get along, they are forced to act alongside eachother. Neither of them could say they expected the romantic outcome of the situation.
Note: This book is intended to be very erotic, hence, why the ages have been set up that way. Please expect the smut that is to be expected, and forgive me...
Impressive rankings:
No. 1 in #genmui
No. 1 in #aspiringwriter
No. 1 in #camera
No. 2 in #genyashinazugawa
No. 3 in #knyship