Patchwork Companions follows the journey of Alex Embrose, a quirky and inventive soul with a knack for fixing what's broken, and Shadow, a shy yet sassy entity with a mysterious past and a human form as patchy as their backstory. Together, they form an inseparable duo, blending their unique talents to tackle challenges big and small. From traversing fantastical realms to navigating the complexities of daily life, their adventures are as varied as they are heartfelt.
Alex, an ever-curious tinkerer with a heart of gold, has a knack for stumbling into unusual predicaments-whether it's fixing enchanted objects, crafting bizarre contraptions, or solving disputes in magical villages. Shadow, though hesitant at first, finds themselves drawn to Alex's warmth and enthusiasm. Despite their contrasting natures, their bond grows as they venture into unknown territories, solving puzzles, facing supernatural creatures, and unearthing secrets from Shadow's elusive origins.
Though Shadow often shies away from the spotlight, their protective instincts and occasional snark shine in the face of danger. Alex, ever the optimist, helps Shadow see the brighter side of things, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone. Together, they embody the idea that even the most fragmented pieces can come together to create something extraordinary.
"Patchwork Companions" is a story about finding strength in vulnerability, joy in the mundane, and magic in the unexpected. Whether they're patching up a broken world or simply each other's hearts, Alex and Shadow prove that no matter how chaotic life gets, true companionship can stitch it all together.
Other Title: Guide to Cultivating as a Cannon Fodder (炮灰修真指南) by Qinglian Yuefu
Becoming a cannon fodder supporting a female character who is destined to die within the first three chapters, Zhang Yiyi decisively begins her self-rescue mode. This is the story of a young girl fighting her way out from among countless cannon fodder, ultimately achieving enlightenment and ascending by breaking through the void.