In a land where the esteemed PaziPlaza Academy stands as the pinnacle of excellence, a young boy named Max finds himself on a journey that challenges everything he has believed. From the moment he sets foot within the halls of the renowned school, he cannot shake the feeling that there is much more to the Academy's storied reputation and pristine facade than meets the eye. As he discovers more about the school's secrets and darker truths, his perception of reality is put to the test in ways he never could have imagined. This story is a Fan creation and is highly inspired by the amazing work of Katie, the creator of Fundamental Paper Education on YouTube. if you would like your very own FPE OC to be featured in an episode of the story, contact me on Discord! I'd love to include your oc ( starburst2024 ) - ( open! closes when Episode 6 is released or when slots are filled, 0/3 )
5 parts