In the enchanting realm where the mystical power system known as Syn governs the abilities of a select few, an epic tale unfolds centered around young Eva Sauburn, whose life is transformed by a fateful venture into the forbidden woods. Eva, an ordinary 15-year-old, is unwittingly drawn into a world of magic and danger when she discovers her own Syn abilities during a startling encounter with a giant monster in the forbidden woods. This newfound power marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey. It is not until a later attack by a mysterious and powerful woman-and her subsequent rescue by her grandfather-that Eva learns of a deeper, unique ability she possesses: the power to destroy magical shards. These shards, fragments of the legendary Philosopher's Stone, grant immense power to those who hold them and are fiercely sought after across the lands. Her grandfather, a seasoned treasure hunter aware of the immense risks these shards pose, recruits Eva for an urgent mission to locate and destroy them. Eva is joined by her closest friends, Lily and Joe, to aid in this formidable task as they embark on a perilous journey to the Treehill Kingdom. Governed by the draconian god-king Altossa, rumored to hold one of the shards, the kingdom is a place of strange customs and severe isolation, including a yearly sacrificial event known as the selection. Parallel to Eva's story, across the world, Kazone emerges as another key figure in the saga. Driven by the need to save his town from the ravaging white plague, Kazone's life takes a significant turn when a mysterious figure gifts him a shard that can connect with other shards globally. This gift comes with a heavy price-collecting all the shards for her in return for a cure for his town. His quest intensifies after rescuing a young woman from a ruthless bounty hunter, only to discover a shard embedded in her chest. This places their lives in jeopardy and sets them on an uncertain and dangerous path.All Rights Reserved
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