[Esp/ Eng]
Hiro Hamada, un joven prodigio de la tecnología, sigue los pasos de su hermano Tadashi, sorprendiendo a todos con su invento en la feria de ciencias. Sin embargo, una explosión le otorga a él y a otros habilidades sobrehumanas, desatando un conflicto entre el bien y el mal. Junto a sus amigos, Hiro forma el equipo "Héroes Fantásticos" para luchar contra los poderosos "Mutanites" que amenazan la ciudad. A lo largo de su aventura, descubrirán el verdadero significado de la valentía, la amistad y la unidad.
Notas Importantes: Este fanfic se sitúa en un universo alternativo de Big Hero 6, con varias diferencias respecto al material original. El concepto de los cómics Ultimate de los Cuatro Fantásticos influirá en varios aspectos de la historia. Se tomarán libertades creativas para explorar nuevas ideas dentro del universo, y se publicará en formato multilingüe (español e inglés).
Hiro Hamada, a tech prodigy, follows in his brother Tadashi's footsteps, impressing everyone with his invention at the science fair. However, an explosion grants him and others superhuman abilities, sparking a battle between good and evil. Along with his friends, Hiro forms the "Fantastic Heroes" to fight the powerful "Mutanites" threatening the city. Through their journey, they will uncover the true meaning of bravery, friendship, and unity.
Important Notes: This fanfic takes place in an alternate universe from the Big Hero 6 series, with several differences from the original material. The "Ultimate" comics concept from the Fantastic Four will influence certain aspects of the story. Creative liberties will be taken to explore new ideas, and the fanfic will be published in a multilingual format (Spanish and English).
What if Rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon; the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential