In the small town of Beacon Hills, supernatural secrets are hidden in the shadows. Thomas Hale, a werewolf from a powerful but torn family, struggles to maintain the balance between his humanity and his instincts. For her part, Allison Argent, a descendant of a line of formidable hunters, arrives in town with a mission: to protect humanity from creatures like Thomas.
Their meeting is explosive. As Thomas tries to protect his territory and his pack from growing attacks, Allison discovers that everything she believed about werewolves could be questioned. A series of mysterious murders pushes them to join forces, despite the distrust of their respective families.
As they plunge into a dark investigation, unexpected feelings begin to emerge, complicating their fragile alliance. But in a world where fangs and arrows oppose each other, will they be able to overcome prejudice to face together an enemy who threatens to destroy everything?
[Teen wolf]
[Season 1-Season 3]
[Volume 1]
[Thomas hale x Allison Argent]
🏅: 116 hale