In an alternate reality where World War II is reshaped by superheroes and villains, the conflict transcends traditional boundaries, becoming a clash of ideologies amplified by extraordinary powers. Superman, landing as a child in the Soviet Union, rises as the Red Son, embodying communism's might. Meanwhile, Supergirl, arriving in Germany, serves the Nazi regime, as Germany's Aryan Ideal.
Amidst this global upheaval, Y/n L/n, a young engineering student from Prague, suffers devastating personal losses due to a Nazi attack. Driven by vengeance, Y/n joins the resistance where his bravery catches the attention of a Green Lantern ring. With newfound powers, he joins the Titans, a specialized task force led by Nightwing and operating under the Justice Society of America. As Y/n masters his abilities, he confronts not only external enemies but his internal demons of rage and revenge.
Recognizing his potential for covert operations, the Allied command embarks on a daring strategy, sending Y/n deep undercover within the Axis powers. Equipped with a Yellow Lantern ring that manipulates fear, Y/n must maintain his cover while wrestling with the ring's corruptive influence.
As Y/n delves deeper into enemy territory, the power to instill fear tempts him towards darkness, challenging him to decide if he will be defined by the power he wields or the choices he makes.
❝ he might think i'm weird, but i can't help it, i've fallen for him. ❞
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 two enemies
finally see the good side
to each other
started: 11.26.24
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