In the heart of 1940s Brooklyn, amidst the turmoil of World War II, Elizabeth Rogers navigates life as the spirited younger sister of Steve Rogers, known to many as Captain America. Growing up alongside her brother and his best friend, James Buchanan Barnes, Elizabeth finds herself entangled in a tale of friendship, loyalty, and unexpected love.
As Steve becomes Captain America and joins the fight against Hydra, Elizabeth's bond with Bucky deepens, despite their occasional clashes. While Steve embodies the ideals of heroism, Bucky's complex nature intrigues Elizabeth, drawing her closer to the enigmatic soldier.
Through daring escapades, heart-wrenching loss, and moments of profound courage, Elizabeth and Bucky's relationship blossoms against the backdrop of a world in turmoil. Their journey is one of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love to transcend even the darkest of times.
Join Elizabeth Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes as they navigate the tumultuous landscape of the 1940s, discovering that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within the heart.
~ set before and during captain america : the first avenger ~