In the middle of a live interview, Scarlett Johansson's life takes a devastating turn when she receives an urgent call: her six-month-old daughter, Adhara, has vanished in the park. While attending to her other son, Cosmo, who had a minor accident on a slide, little Adhara disappeared without a trace. Abruptly interrupted, the interview gives way to frantic media coverage that captures the nation's attention.
As the investigation stalls, Scarlett faces a barrage of false informants looking to profit from her tragedy. Meanwhile, the story uncovers Adhara's hidden life, marked by abuse and a deep attachment disorder that makes her a distrustful and erratic child. Now, Scarlett must not only fight to find her daughter but also to rebuild a life that, until now, no one knew was broken.
Samantha Grace Carter, an orphan since her earliest memories, unknowingly embarks on a life-changing encounter at a playground. As she spends time there, she crosses paths with a young girl and her mother. Unbeknownst to Samantha, this casual meeting forms the foundation of an unexpected bond that grows into a unique mother-daughter relationship.
Little did she realize that the chance encounter in that playground would become the beginning of a new family dynamic, offering Samantha a sense of belonging she had yearned for since being left at the orphanage by her biological mother at a tender age. This newfound relationship brings both love and a sense of home to Samantha's life, altering her world in ways she never imagined possible.