In the world of Pokémon, where extraordinary creatures with special powers roam, young Ash Ketchum dreams of becoming a Pokémon Master. Living in the small town of Pallet, Ash's adventure begins in a way no one could have expected. Instead of starting with one of the traditional starter Pokémon, Ash stumbles upon a wounded Rayquaza, a Legendary Dragon Pokémon, and nurses it back to health. Forming an unbreakable bond with Rayquaza, Ash sets off on his journey with a powerful and mysterious ally by his side. As Ash travels across the Kanto region and beyond, he faces challenges, rivals, and the discovery of new Pokémon. Alongside his new friend Pikachu and the mighty Rayquaza, Ash aims to catch as many Pokémon as possible, striving to become a Pokémon Master. However, keeping Rayquaza's presence a secret to avoid unwanted attention adds an extra layer of complexity to his quest. Join Ash and Rayquaza in this epic retelling of a classic adventure, where friendship, bravery, and the spirit of discovery lead the way. A journey like no other, where legends are born and the bond between a boy and a dragon shapes the future of the Pokémon world.