Resolute Fate follows the captivating journey of Zevin Moore, a man entangled in the complexities of time and haunted by the regrets of his past. Gifted with an unconscious but extraordinary ability to traverse through time, Zevin finds himself drawn back to a pivotal moment in his life: the heartbreaking breakup with his former love, Sera Dunn, 12 years ago. Consumed by regret for his past possessiveness and lack of trust, Zevin longs to rewrite history and mend the shattered pieces of his heart.
Now married to Claire Smith with a three-year-old daughter named Eleanor, Zevin grapples with the conflict between his present happiness and the unresolved emotions of his past. While struggling to resolve his current predicament with Claire, he desperately tries to find out the cause of this problem.
Despite his efforts to alter the course of his life, Zevin discovers that fate is a formidable force, unyielding and resolute. Each decision he makes sends ripples through time, leading him to confront the immutable nature of his choices.
Through Zevin's complicated journey, "Resolute Fate" explores themes of love, destiny, and the power of redemption.
Traumatized by her past, yet desperate to grow and have a beautiful future, she navigates through life. A positive mindset it may seem, but is that really the truth or just a facade for the world? She dreams of a bright future as a writer, perhaps a singer, and fate seems to smile when she meets Joseph-a young singer and actor whose career has just skyrocketed. They get along well, different souls connected by a shared past-a horror story that leads to the truth of their broken families finally surfacing. But will these revelations tear them apart, or bring them closer than ever? Will their paths diverge again, or will they intertwine?