In "Neglected Hero," Izuku Yagi, born quirkless in a world where superpowers define one's worth, endures relentless bullying and neglect from his own family. His dreams of becoming a hero are crushed under the weight of their scorn, driving him to the brink. Desperate and filled with hatred, Izuku runs away, abandoning the life that brought him only pain. But in the depths of his despair, he uncovers a hidden truth: a powerful quirk lies dormant within him. As Izuku grapples with his newfound abilities, he must decide whether to use his power for vengeance or to rise above his past and become the hero he always aspired to be. "Neglected Hero" is a gripping tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of inner strength.
Mature for possible
violence,gore, blood shed,self harm, sucide baiting, sex(lemon), harem, language, rape.