In the bustling streets of New York City, two best friends, Lola and Maura, navigate the highs and lows of life with their own unique flair. Lola, a vibrant and free-spirited writer, and Maura, a driven and successful firm owner, seem to have it all - thriving careers, loyal friends, and a bond that transcends time.
Amidst this vibrant backdrop, their world is shaken when Lola receives a devastating diagnosis: glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive brain tumor with a terminal prognosis.
Refusing to accept defeat, Maura is determined to be her rock, pushing Lola to pursue treatment. But Lola, ever the free spirit, suggests a different plan - a last hurrah around the world to make unforgettable memories.
As they embark on their journey, from the packed streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Greece, they confront their deepest fears and forge an unbreakable bond. But as Lola's condition worsens, Maura is forced to confront her own fears of loss. Will she have the strength to say goodbye to her beloved friend, or will she hold on to hope until the end?
Told from Maura's perspective, "Damn." is a poignant tale of love, friendship, and the power of living life to the fullest, even in the face of death.
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Perfection. Madison Conway hates the word. It's all she's ever heard when growing up. If she cared about being perfect, it would fit her like a glove. She's far from perfect, though. Her life is far from it and she's fine with that.
She has a good job. Amazing friends. A little brother who is always there for her. In her eyes, her life is 'perfect'. There are just a couple of things that would make it amazing, though.
The first would be to have her mum and big brother back in her life after they left years prior. The second would be to have someone to love who loves her and who can show her that life could be great. The third and final thing is the most important thing to not only her, but her brother and that would be to have their dad out of their lives once and for all.
So what if her chance at happiness and to have what she deserves has been in front of her the whole time? What if her last chance at not only happiness but love has been in the form of the one friend who has been there for her since they met?
Will she finally have her own version of perfection thanks to one man? Or is everything still only a dream for her?