The story revolves around 'Zyer Frost' a young wizard, who discovers that he possesses some dark, powerful yet fascinating magical abilities and gets accepted to the Elysian Keep, a wizarding school. Zyer didn't get a chance to see his parents as they died 12 years ago nor did he have any clue of the mystery behind the mark in his neck.Why is the mark there? Who killed them? Nobody knows. Maybe some had a complete idea of this all yet they are scared. Scared of who? The dark wizard, Nobel Asher Dreadthorn. Throughout the story, Zyer numerous challenges and battles against The Noble Asher Dreadthorn. He was supported by his loyal companions Elvy Aluf and Enik Rye. Zyer Frost is a tale of magic of love, strength and power. ............................................... It consists mainly of my imagination. Yet I have taken the idea from a wizarding movie. It's my first attempt. Show your love. With love, Min.
5 parts