In a world where appearances are deceiving, Mia, affectionately known as Miu, finds herself torn between two enigmatic men: the charismatic hero, Alexander, and the brooding villain, Kay. As she navigates the treacherous waters of love and loyalty, Miu discovers that not everything is as it seems. When a tragic twist of fate claims her life, the shocking truth unravels, revealing that the hero was the true villain, and the villain the true hero. This is a story of love, betrayal, and redemption, where shadows hide the deepest secrets.
This story is of Mr.Wolf( Mafia King) and Niharika (Mafia Queen). Nobody knows her face as Mafia Queen because she always wears a mask. One side of her is innocent and naive but the other side is fearless and strong. Mr.Wolf is known as a ruthless and emotionless person.
The story is about:
•Mafia King X Mafia Queen
•Forced Marriage
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Story begins.....