In a world where the realms of Duel Monsters and Vikings intersect, a mysterious island emerges, awakening two legendary dragons-Slifer the Sky Dragon and Gandora the Dragon of Destruction.
From the moment they awaken, their mutual dislike erupts into fierce clashes, causing chaos across the island.
As the days pass, Slifer and Gandora, weary from their continuous conflict, reluctantly come to realize the futility of their rivalry.
The relentless battles have left them both drained and vulnerable, with no end in sight to the destruction they wreak upon the island.
Understanding that cooperation is essential for their survival on the island, they agree to a truce, setting aside their differences for the time being.
Though the agreement is born out of necessity rather than genuine camaraderie, it marks a crucial turning point in their relationship.
Together, they must navigate the dangers of the island and confront the challenges that lie ahead, all while grappling with their own animosity and the looming threat of a greater darkness lurking on the horizon.