In an AU where Bob (Bomb), Silvi (Silver), Fred (Red), Chuck, and Stella are human orphan children, a young second-generation Mexican immigrant named Kayleigh Cruz exists as a single, adoptive parent to the five elementary-aged kids. Being a single and adoptive parent isnt for the weak, and between two jobs, five kids, and a somewhat distant father, Kayleigh barely has a minute to spare, but she's willing to give up just about everything for the happiness of her children. The kids, while young, have struggles of their own, between schoolwork and friendships and sibling rivalry, but on top of all the chaos, the members of the Cruz family love each other more than anything. Read along as they encounter struggles, drama, and adventures in this family-comedy-drama Angry-Birds based AU.
K+ for mature themes such as parent issues, parental death, mentioned overdosing, immigration, bullying, and elementary school dating.