In the opulent world of Astoria Academy, where privilege and prestige reign supreme, rivalry runs as deep as the secrets hidden behind gilded walls. Hostile Hearts follows the tumultuous relationship between Serena Montgomery, a fiercely independent scholarship student determined to prove her worth among the elite, and Maxwell Harrington, the charming heir to a powerful family who has everything to lose. From the moment they met, their fiery clashes ignited a fierce animosity, with Serena's sharp wit constantly colliding with Maxwells arrogance. But as the pressures of high society mount and long-buried secrets threaten to unravel their carefully curated lives, a reluctant alliance forms. They discover that beneath their mutual disdain lies a magnetic chemistry that neither can ignore. Set against a backdrop of lavish parties, secret societies, and fierce competition, Hostile Hearts delves into themes of identity, class struggle, and the complexities of love. As Serena and Maxwell navigate their way through backstabbing friends and societal expectations, they must confront their own prejudices and learn that sometimes, love can blossom from the most unexpected of rivalries. Will they embrace their feelings and bridge the divide, or will the world of high society tear them apart?All Rights Reserved
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