In an alternate universe known as Earth 2482, three extraordinary mutants come together to form the X-Men, a team dedicated to protecting both mutantkind and humanity. Morphina, a powerful shapeshifter with the potential to copy other mutants' powers, emerges as the group's visionary leader. Alongside her are Tempus, a mutant with unparalleled control over time, and Xavier Turner, known as The Animator, who can bring his drawings to life. United by their shared goal of fostering peace and understanding between mutants and humans, they establish the X-Men. Their mission begins with the recruitment of other like-minded mutants, each bringing unique abilities to the team. Together, they combat threats from both anti-mutant forces and rogue mutants, striving to create a world where all can coexist harmoniously. As they face various challenges, the bonds between the founding members strengthen, and their leadership inspires future generations of mutants to join the cause. The formation of the X-Men marks the beginning of a new era on Earth 2482, where hope and unity stand against the tide of prejudice and conflict.