She was born on 'The night of Souls',a war had ensued around yet it was calm,and a dispute broke out between the parties present,she is one with the mark of 'One that contains Two',and this is her journey of a hundred thoughts.
All about fairy tales and fantasy ..... So they say. A young baby girl born as a powerful prize known as the Prophecy. On the Second moon of the Forth sun a war broke out between Hell and The main world named time. In doing so The rulers of Time had to hide the baby girl. She gets kidnapped from the Foxling tribe at the age of three. She eventually gets memories wiped out. Living a normal life. Till Chaos begins showing her true form. But She doesn't know herself as the Prophecy. Later on in life The prophecy starts to break out and she stumble upon her story and in the end has a choice to help stop this long breaking war.