The Battle of the Cosmic Multiverse is an epic crossover action science-fiction tale that thrusts a diverse ensemble of heroes and anti-heroes into a desperate struggle to preserve their respective universes from the brink of annihilation. At the heart of this conflict lies the Multiverse Orb of Balance, a cosmic artifact of immense power that governs the delicate equilibrium between countless parallel dimensions. However, when the Orb is unexpectedly corrupted by an insidious, malevolent force whose origins remain shrouded in mystery, chaos ensues across the multiverse. Reality itself begins to unravel as fundamental laws of physics are twisted, and existential threats emerge from the void between worlds.
Forced to put aside their differences and unite against a common enemy, the disparate champions of each universe must embark on a perilous journey across the cosmic tapestry. Among the assembled heroes are stalwart defenders of justice, masters of arcane arts, fearless spacefarers, and reluctant anti-heroes burdened by their own troubled pasts. Each brings their unique strengths, skills, and perspectives to the battle, but only by working together can they hope to overcome the overwhelming odds stacked against them.
As they race against time to unravel the mystery behind the corruption of the Multiverse Orb, the heroes must confront their deepest fears, forge unlikely alliances, and make sacrifices that will test the very limits of their resolve. Along the way, they uncover long-buried secrets, confront evils, and ultimately confront the true nature of the enigmatic force threatening to tear the fabric of reality asunder. With the fate of all existence hanging in the balance, the Battle of the Cosmic Multiverse is a pulse-pounding adventure that explores themes of heroism, redemption, and the enduring power of unity in the face of unimaginable adversity. Would the heroes save the Multiverse and their home?
The Atom..
A title passed down by the L/N family from generations to generations, always looking for the gift their family had in their family so long ago. But let me start from the beginning. Years ago, in WW2. An Atom researcher and scientist by the name of Alex Rothstein L/N mistakenly altered his blood and genetic code, which would forever change his life. He gained the ability to shrink and grow at will, for this amazing gift. He became an ally to America and a soldier.. but after his untimely death, and the birth of his children
His altered blood and genetics passed down to his children, then the next line, and the next. But none of these children gained the ability. Until now..
Introducing Y/N L/N..
A young man, stunned and curious of his family's secret past and powerful abilities. After all of his years of research and investigation, it finally pays off when his uncle L/N begins to reveal the family secret when a new threat arises.
(Upcoming Storylines/Books)
-The Infinity Saga-
1. Atom-Training (2014-2015) ✅
2. Ant-Man (2015) ✅
3. Atom-Smasher: Ready Aim Fire (2015-2016) ✅
4. Captain America: Civil War (2016) ✅
5. Avengers: Infinity-War (2017) ✅
6. Deadpool 2 (2018) ✅
7. Avengers: Endgame (2018-2022) ✏️
-End Infinity Saga-
-The Multiverse Saga- (Yet To Be Made)
: Multiple actors will be used as gifs to portray our character and to help with mental-visualisation of the story. None of those actors are "actually" portraying our character.
✅= Done & Dusted
✏️= Currently In Production/Creation
🚫= Not In Production/Creation