" Am I the scarlet witch? " I ask turning to my iris gripping my hands close to my chest, my eyes watering.
" yes," Iris said looking down
"How long have you known," I say my voice shaking. The walls are starting to cave. "We are infinity, this is what we are made for." the voice in my mind spoke. she is here.
"ever scents you came here, through the portal," Iris said
"I am destined to destroy the universe, " I say
"I did it to protect-"I cut my iris off
"No, shut up!" I yell at Iris the walls start to break and the ground begins to rumble
"kill them all before they take him from us, " The Scarlet Witch said in my mind No, I'm not you, "I said in my mind.
"But you are me. I am you and you are me," she said. I feel my body go limp, I fall into complete darkness before hearing one more thing before I faint completely "Earth is our playground."
Hello, my name is Emma. This is my first time writing a fanfic Wattpad story. This story is about Harry and Ginny and their love story, but with a sick twist and adventures . I love dark romance and Hinny, this is also a action book and slow romance so why not combine them? Plus, this story is also a mashup of the vampire diaries, Greek gods, and Marvel.
This story takes place in the prisoner of Azkaban in Ginny's 2 year and Harry's 3 year at Hogwarts. Ginny is 12 years old, and Harry is 13 years old, just like in the books. There are also some differences in this story. For example, my story does not follow the original Harry Potter storyline( I do not own Harry Potter)(Harry potter belongs to jk Rowling )This story is a slow romance and starts with more action and fantsy then romance but the romance will come soon .
This also contain many of ships beside harry and ginny.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.