Peter is the biological son of Natasha and Tony, but he hates Tony because he left him and his mom. Peter thinks Natasha was brutally murdered by a mugger when she tried to stop him from escaping the police when Peter was 3. Some girls that were trained with Nat found Peter and Anton, Peter's twin brother, and took them in. When they started walking better the red room started to train them both in collaboration with HYDRA so that they could become the best assassins in the world. Peter and Anton escaped when they were 13. When Peter was 14 he was bit by a radioactive spider on a field trip to Oscorp, he gained powers because of the spider bite and began to use them for the greater good and to stop crime. When he was 15 he moved to Queens, New York, without Anton who stayed with their aunt and uncle. After 4 months of living in Queens a portal opened up in his apartment and two teenagers who also had special abilities came out of said portal. They all began to work together as a team and quickly became known as "The Delinquents" slowly growing in size as they explored other universes and more portals opened up with more people coming out. Nick Fury became interested in them and ordered the Avengers to find out their identities. Clint, who is Nat's best friend, knows that Peter is Spider-Man and is the Uncle that Anton had been living with, became worried for his nephew's safety and called him to convince him to go in together to buy them all a mansion in Iowa that was well hidden and close to the Barton family farm. During the year Peter had been living in Queens, Anton had developed powers from the experimentation they had gone through in HYDRA. A year after all these events the Avengers are still looking for them while they continue to protect New York. Clint and Laura took Peter and Anton in after they escaped HYDRA and the two managed to find them. Peter and Anton don't know Natasha is alive nor that she is married to Bucky Barnes, their adoptive father.جميع الحقوق محفوظة