In a bustling metropolis, identical twins Ryu Shi-oh and Ryu Sun-jae lead vastly different lives:
Ryu Shi-oh as a ruthless CEO of a powerful corporation, and Ryu Sun-jae as a soulful freelance painter. Their worlds collide when their father, a retired philanthropist, takes in Im Sol, a compassionate and spirited young woman left orphaned after her father's sudden death. As Sol navigates her new life with the twins, Ryu Shi-oh is drawn to her warmth and genuine nature, finding in her a solace from his cutthroat world.
Meanwhile, Sun-jae is captivated by her resilience and shared love for the arts. Tensions rise as both brothers vie for Im Sol's heart, each revealing their true selves in the process. Im Sol must navigate her own feelings and choose between the starkly different paths offered by the twins, all while uncovering the deeper layers of their complex relationship.
"Cause you're not like any other girl I've met, you're fierce and not afraid of anything." A story in which a girl named Astri bumps into the worlds second most powerful gang leader. The chapter name will be whose pov it will be