Years after the epic battles that secured peace between Narnia and Archenland, a new chapter unfolds. Blaze, son of the High King Peter, trains relentlessly, honing his skills and preparing for a future of leadership. When news arrives of his upcoming marriage to Princess Lillian, an Archenland exile, excitement ripples through Narnia. The wedding preparations, however, are not without challenges, as the merging of Narnian and Archenlandish traditions proves to be a delightful, yet complex, task. Underlying the celebratory atmosphere, a hint of unease lingers. While Blaze embraces the promise of unity, his good friend Christopher harbors lingering suspicions about the Archenlanders. As the wedding day approaches, the weight of history and the hopes for a peaceful future intertwine, creating a captivating story of love, alliance, and the enduring legacy of past sacrifices.
Pick your poison.
Evangeline was the princess of a neighbouring kingdom threatening war. The Narnians were tired of battle, after a century under the white witch, and could not bear another. So, High King Peter and his sister, Queen Susan, came to a solution. They would organize a treaty, a unification of the two kingdoms, with the marriage of Evangeline and Edmund.
Unfortunately for everyone, Edmund falls in love with her handmaid, Theodosia.
Now Theodosia is incredibly loyal. She is not going to fall for some silly traitor who tries his best to keep his feelings hidden. However, with treachery afoot and secrets abound, Theodosia wonders how long she can ignore the growing blossom of feelings for King Edmund.
Especially when a vial of poison sits in her pocket.