Elena, a defiant and eccentric witch living in the Forbidden Forest, has witnessed the empire crumble under the reign of Kael, a once-promising disciple corrupted by darkness. Kael, once a bright-eyed orphan, a disciple of her very own enemy was twisted into the empire's destroyer, abandoned and manipulated.
In the face of the silver sword of her sworn enemy held by Kael, she made a gamble against time and fate. Using forbidden magic, she made a deal with the timekeeper. Elena plunges back into the past, 10 years before the impending destruction. Faced with a chance to rewrite her destiny she will set her target to Kael, and make his master pay for neglecting his very own disciple. And this time, she'll not just stand and watch how the world crumbles down. She'll be his unlikely guardian, shaping him into a beacon of light instead of a harbinger of doom
Can Elena rewrite destiny? Or will the karma prove too strong for a witch to clash against the inevitable pull of fate.