Varian Wintergreen, the detective, the transgender son of the mayor, the "wack-job" who runs a club in school for solving mysteries, the loser who doesn't make friends, friends make him. Varian has a goal this summer: make something of himself. He's tired of being defined by the things that happen around him as apposed to the things he does.
Camille Monet, the bassist, the waitress, the girl who uses makeup to create a mask. She's known she's beautiful since she was three, but Millie wants more than beauty, wants more than just being the bassist of some nobody band. She needs to see her name in lights for just one night. And Summerville will never give her that.
Liana Rainey, the explorer, the joyful one, the one who lights up a room the minute she walks in. But is she really that joyful? Exploring abandoned places by yourself can often lead to wondering hard about your own life, thinking maybe you've already abandoned it without realizing. Liana needs to know who she is, who she's become, before school ends and her friends abandon her for colleges and fancy cities.
These three have something in common, their not-exactly-school-endorsed club. The detective club. They boast about helping pet owners find their cats and solving the prestigious case of the missing soccer balls for the Summerville high's soccer team.
But what exactly happens when their little club is now dead-center for an organized crime investigation? What if the people closest to them weren't working in their best interest? What if they were the only ones who could solve it?
And what exactly does the death of a fellow student have to do with all of it?
مَــاذَا سَــيَحدُث لـكَ إنْ كُنـتَ لا تَـعلم إذ كُـنتَ فـَتى أم فَـتاة؟
فَـتاة في الثانية والعشرون ،معزولة عن العَـالم بـآسرهِ، لا تَـعلم حقيقتها .
عَـاشت حياتها كَـرجُـل وبقيت هكذا حتى قابلت القائد العام لقوات الدِرك الوطني السابق جــيــون اليـساندرو جـونـغــكوك الذي آخذها معهُ إلـى عالمهِ لـيغير حياتها.
# اليـساندرو فـيـرزاتــشي.
# تــولاي فيـنسي.